Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Andre Agassi Biography

 Andre Agassi was born in April 29, 1970. His mother gave birth to him in  Las Vegas, Nevada.

His father was always really strict with him, but they had a close bond. Emmanuel Agassi was an Olympic boxer for Iran. His mother Elizabeth Agassi, gone by Betty, is a breast cancer survivor. He is very close to his mom and looks to her for advice when he needs it. Agassi was the only boy in the family, having three older sisters, Rita, Phillip, and Tammi. Agassi has been married to Steffi Graf since 2001, and they have two kids together, Jaden and Jaz.

Agassi was always challenged by his father, who always wanted him to be the best at tennis. Once, when he was 9, his dad bet a lot of money against Jim Brown, a football legend. Luckily, Agassi was already good, and won. When he was thirteen, his father sent him to Nick Bollettiers' school. He was only supposed to be there 3 months because that was all his dad could afford to pay for. However, once Nick Bollettier saw him play, he told Agassi's father he could stay for free. Agassi ended up doping out of school in the 9th grade.

Andre Agassi had been trained to play tennis since he was a toddler. He never really had time to do things he wanted to do on his own, because his dad was so strict on him practicing all the time.

Andre Agassi went through a rough time in 1997, when he was not doing good in competitions, and just flat out felt in a bad place at that point in his life  Not able to find some kind of meaning to his life,  or a good place within himself, Agassi turned to drugs. Even though the drugs he took were not used to enhance his performance, many people still criticize him for the choice he made. Although, the time period in which he took the drugs was a time were he was not doing that good in his sport, either way. He says his dad practically forced him to play, and since he never liked it, and if he wanted to win, it was because he felt the pressure to be good at something.

Andre Agassi was a professional tennis player. However, it was never something he actually enjoyed doing. He started as a young boy because his dad knew he was good, and knew he could be better. Andre Agassi has actually let it be known how he feels about the sport. He said he felt pressured to play, by many people. He went on many tours and won many games. He was the first male player ever to win the Career Golden Slam. He also won four Grand Slams and the Olympic Medal in singles. Agassi retired in 2006 after the US OPEN. After he retired, he still played many matches, mostly for charity events, like Philadelphia freedoms and Cancer Treatment Centers of America Tennis. He still has his own charity that helps kids in need, along with a public charter school for underprivileged kids, in Las Vegas, Nevada, his hometown.

Reason for Fame 
Andre Agassi became known for his great techniques in Tennis, and for his many wins.

Later life
Andre Agassi is now 41 and still has goals in mind. He wants to establish about 75 charter schools around the United States in the next couple years. He is happy that now he gets to spend more time with his wife and kids, and there new dog he promised them after his retirement.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Teens and our Technology

     Teens nowadays are addicted to their phones. I think many would agree with this. Many schools are beginning to think that things like texting and the  excessive usage of mobile devices have or can affect a students education. Why is it that parents complain about their teens using their phone all day? Does it really affect how we think, or the actions we make? A research made by the Cranfield School of Management has found that about 59.2% of  teens have admitted to, on more than one occasion, take information from the internet and insert it straight into their homework. So if you ask, a lot of adults would say that things like this are always tempting, with students having such easy access to the web world on their smartphones and whatnot.  39.3% of 11-18 year olds said that they caught themselves writing words in shortcuts as they would in their text on their phones, and lowering their grades because of this on school essays. Another thing is, teens spend an average of 1-2 hours daily, only on Social Networks. The need of being connected and aware of what is going on all the time is getting to teens on the lookout for what is new and what is good. It is weird to think that our parents did not have all the advantages with technology like we do now, and that they do not understand why we are so caught up in it all. Sometimes kids wonder how their parents survived without it, or how they even enjoyed life, kept in touch with friends, or even just stayed caught up with the latest trends and even more important, the latest gossip. However it is even crazier to think how fast technology is advancing, and the many things we are able and will be able to do in the near future! The bottom line is, it is safe to say that teens are getting very dependent with todays technology and that may or may not always be much of a good thing. Believe it or not, the internet, and even just our cellular devices, as much as they might be useful, could also get us teens, in big trouble!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


             Coraline was the first motion picture movie, filmed in 2009. The film was written and directed by Henrey Selick. It was based on the novel "Coraline" by Niel Gaiman, who was inspired by Henrey’s movie "A Nightmare Before Christmas". The production of this movie took a long time, but the way it was made is just fascinating.

             Coraline is a very interesting movie about a young girl who moves into the Pink Palace Apartments, in the state of Oregon. Coraline is adventurous and discovers another dimension inside her house, behind a little door. When this young one first goes in through the door, she is immediately fascinated by how she is treated by her "other mother and father". Her real parents are both writers and never have much time to spend with her, causing her to get very frustrated alone. However, in the other dimension, Coraline never has to pick a fight. Her other parents focus all their attention on her. Coraline goes back home, worried that her mom will notice she has been gone for too long. When she tells her parents about her little adventure, they ignore her, trying to brush it off as a dream. Of course, this upsets Coraline, because she really enjoyed it there and was hoping maybe by telling her parents they would pay more attention to her, she really wanted to go back. Unfortunately, because of Coralines’ "wild imagination", her mom decided to take the key to the small door and hide it. One day, when Coralines’ mom went to the store, the little trouble maker decided to find the key, and open the door. Just to figure out if what she saw behind the door was real or not. To her surprise, there was the tunnel that leads to the other dimension. So excited, because she loved that place and the attention it brought her, she went in without hesitation. Yet, at dinner, the oddest thing happened; her mother had given her a present, two buttons for eyes! Realizing everyone else in that dimension had buttons as well, Coraline soon became frightened. The other mother was so insisting, she explained to the scared little one that if she let her sow the buttons in her eyes, she could stay there with them, forever. She asked to go to bed, because when she fell asleep there, she would always wake up in her bed, back at home. But the mother decides to put her behind a mirror, in a room where she discovers the souls of other children who gave in and let Beldame sow buttons in her eyes. What she really wants is to eat their souls. Coraline tell the Beldame, who disguised as her other mother, that she would let her sow in the buttons, but tricks her and makes it out the door. She decides to never go back again, not knowing she would soon have to. When she gets home, she realizes her parents are gone. She spends one whole night without them, until she realizes that her parents are trapped in the other dimension. The brace little girl goes back into the door, where she challenges the beldame to a game. If she can find her parents and the eyes for the souls of the lost children, before the full moon, she would let her and her parents go free. The beldame accepts, and Coraline is left to the task.
Dakota Fanning (Left), Teri Hatcher

             This film was the first motion picture movie ever made in 3-d. The dynamics and supplies made for just the creations were incredible. Everything for each set was handmade. Coraline Jones was voiced by Dakota Fanning, who was absolutely amazed by how the entire film was created. Coralines mom, also known as Mel Jones, was voiced by Teri Hatcher. The film used over 15 different people for ever voice!

             This Suspensful movie has been questioned by many other critiques, not knowing who the audience should be. Although it is rated only PG, it has the capability of giving kids a little bit of a fright. I, however, think its aceptable for kids 12 and up to watch, because although this movie might leave you hanging at the edge of your seat, it also demonstrates how kids should be appreciative of what they have.

Monday, October 1, 2012

"This is the color of my dreams"

The two teenage girls, Daphne and Bay were accidentally switched at birth
Switched at Birth Cast
(hence the title). Daphne lived with her mom, in an old school community,
and Bay lived with her parents and older brother in a luxurious home, on
the good side of town. When the families finds out the truth, not only are
they shocked but they also struggle to find a living condition in which
they can all live a comfortable life and still be with both the daughters.
Daphne is deaf and has a difficult time getting used to the new idea of
another family. And Bay, being as stubborn as she is, also finds it hard to
find a connection with her new mother.

In this episode, "This is the color of my dreams", Bay, played by Vanessa Marano
Vanessa Marano
and also known as young Ellie in The Brooke Ellison Story, comes back from
summer camp with a new boyfriend. Her family is surprised that she has
moved on so quickly from her last relationship, with Emmet, played by Sean Berdy. They also think she needs to focus a little more on school, and a little less on boys. Bay
has been known to be a little more out there in the dating category, and
always has someone in interest. Meanwhile, Daphne, played by Katie Leclerc,
also known as Ally in Flying By, finds herself asking her real mom, Kathryn,
plyed by Lea Thompson, for help getting a job. It seems as if no one will hire
her because she is deaf. When her mom is able to get her job, Daphne is more
Katie Leclerc
than thrilled, however, she has no idea whats heading her way. Her new boss,
played by Justing Bruening is a complete unsensitive jerk! Daphne messes
up once, and he goes off on her for being an emergency hazard in his
kitchen. Lowering Daphnes dream of becoming a proffesional cheff. After
she accidentally brings the cheff the wrong ingridients because she did not
hear right, she got down graded to kitchen dish washer. Daphne is heart
broken. I personally think that the girlsare struggling through a lot, but
also learning from their experiences. Not only is Bay depressed over her
previous break up, but now she is concerned about her parents feelings
towards her new boyfriend. Daphne is upset by whats going on at work
and to be honest, i dont think its fair that her boss is being so judgemntal

towards her, knowing her disablities. On the other hand, some might agree that the cheff, having to keep everything put together in his kitchen, and has done the right thing by  keeping Daphne away from anything that could put the her, the kitchen, and its staff.